Exploring The Critical Influencing Factors of Customer Satisfaction in Telecommunication Sector in Bangladesh
Customer Satisfaction, Organizational Efficiency, Organizational Competency, Service Quality, Connectivity and NetworkAbstract
Telecommunication sector has a great importance for the socio-economic development of a country, and it is immeasurable. In the competitive market, telecommunication sector ensures customer satisfaction and customer’s pivotal attention greatly. The major aims of this study are to know about the degree of customer satisfaction in Bangladesh and to find out its significance factors such as organizational efficiency, organizational competency, service- quality and product price. To achieve these objectives, primary and secondary data have been used. For collecting primary data, Simple random sampling technique has been used and 400-questionnaire was surveyed. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Smart PLS 3.2.3 technique was used for analysing the data. The study found that old age and illiterate personality has no feelings and thinking about service offer, price, internet facilities etc. They want good network and talk time service. But educated personality and young age people are very conscious about talk time, network, service quality, internet facility, product offers etc. The study also revealed that organizational competency and organizational efficiency of the organization has no effect on customer satisfaction. The study also finds out that product price and service quality have a significant impact on customer satisfaction of telecom sector in Bangladesh.
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