Succession Planning and Employee Retention of Public and Private Organizations in Plateau State Nigeria: Moderating Effect of Job Security


  • Silas Gontur Department of Business Education, School of Vocational and Technical Education, Federal University of Education, Pankshin, 930105, Plateau State, Nigeria
  • Habila Bako Dekom Department of Business Education, School of Vocational and Technical Education, Federal University of Education, Pankshin, 930105, Plateau State, Nigeria
  • Emmanuel Dauda Jingak Department of Business Education, School of Vocational and Technical Education, Federal University of Education, Pankshin, 930105, Plateau State, Nigeria



Employee Retention, Job Security, Organisation, Plateau State, Succession Planning


Introduction: Employee retention is a critical worry for organisations seeking to uphold competitiveness and attain long-term success. Succession planning, a planned technique for recognising and developing future leaders, has been proposed as a potential solution to improve employee retention. However, the association between succession planning (SP) and employee retention (ER) remains indistinct, and the moderating role of job security in this context is understudied. Purpose: This study investigates the effect of succession planning on ER, with a specific focus on the moderating role of job security. Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative research approach was employed using survey data collected from a sample of 272 employees across various organisations in Plateau State, Nigeria. Hierarchical regression modelling was used to analyse the relationship between SP, JB, and ER. Results: The results confirm a positive connection between succession planning and employee retention, signifying that organisations that apply succession planning are more likely to keep their employees. In addition, the study discovers that job security positively moderates the relationship between SP and ER, suggesting that employees who perceive high job security are more likely to benefit from succession planning initiatives. Originality/Novelty: This research contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence on the relationship between SP and ER and highlighting the importance of job security as a moderating variable. Conclusion: The findings of this study have implications for organisations seeking to improve ER. Specifically, organisations should prioritise succession planning initiatives and ensure that the employee perceives high job security to maximise the benefits of succession planning. Also, the implications of this research contribute to the field of human resource management by showing how succession planning promotes employee retention through job security, thereby expanding the applicability of social exchange theory and organisational support theory within this context. This synthesis may enhance the theoretical comprehension of how perceived security impacts employee attitudes and behaviours, providing a more holistic perspective on retention dynamics.


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How to Cite

Gontur, S. ., Dekom, H. B. ., & Jingak, E. D. . (2025). Succession Planning and Employee Retention of Public and Private Organizations in Plateau State Nigeria: Moderating Effect of Job Security. Advancement in Management and Technology (AMT) , 5(3), 1-16.
