The Analysis of National Health Insurance for Hospital Daily Patient Visits During Covid-19 in Mother-Child Hospital “Putri” Surabaya, Indonesia
National Health Insurance, Patient Visits, Covid-19Abstract
Introduction: Covid-19 has made changes to health services in Indonesia. It occurs in the hospital service flow, so patients must adjust to the restrictions that apply in the hospital. National health insurance (JKN) in Indonesia provides public access to health services. The existence of health insurance should be the solution for patients who are willing to take advantage of health services. Meanwhile, in the covid-19 condition, health services are essential, so they have to get a lot of attention. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze National Health Insurance (JKN) patients before and during covid-19 in Mother-Child Hospital "Putri" Surabaya. Methods: This study used descriptive analysis of national health insurance hospital patient visits (both outpatient and inpatient) in Mother-Child "Putri" Hospital Surabaya. The data was taken twice, which is before covid-19, from January 2018 to February 2020, and during Covid-19 from March 2020 to December 2021. Result: The results showed that the trend of JKN patients before and during covid-19 was very different. Before covid-19, there was a tendency to see an increase in JKN patients. During COVID-19, the JKN patient was reduced. Conclusion: Covid-19 is one of the factors that affected the reduction of JKN patients in Mother-Child Hospital "Putri" Surabaya. Not only this hospital, but all health-care services.
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