Enhancing TVET in Bangladesh: Overcoming COVID-19 Destruction and Focusing Towards IR 5.0
Education Governance, Innovative Planning, Cyber Supporting Preparedness, Networking and Partnership,, SDG, TVET Inclusion, EduTechAbstract
The invincible corona virus affected hundreds of thousands societies on the earth. It massacred holistic pace of lives, disrupted academic excellence, economic growths and pushed us many clops of planned future. However, despite the current threat of total education with key constraints in Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), how drastically are TVET institutions adopting innovative planning and education governance in Bangladesh? TVET Policy actors, individuals, and relevant communities need to think of risk mitigation and resilience approaches. In general, the approach and solutions that drive towards cyber-supportive preparedness, networking, and partnership may help to tackle the emerging situation. EduTech can help towards the modern TVET system in Bangladesh with globalisation and IR 4.0 to IR 5.0. Given this context, it is more challenging to achieve the United Nations (UN) Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. The intertwined goals of inequality, education, and poverty eradication imply nourishing the TVET sector. This paper mainly focuses on reflecting on the ongoing managerial view of the TVET sector, exploring innovative ways to strengthen the system in Bangladesh.
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