HRM Practices and Operational Performance at Jute Spinning Mills in Bangladesh
Human Resource Management (HRM), Operational Performance, BJSAAbstract
This study is directed to concentrate on the practices of human resource management (HRM) in private enterprise as well as inspect the HRM practices affecting operational performance (non-financial). Survey questionnaire has been heading for collecting data from 120 staffs based on Random Sampling Technique working in three organizations to be specific Rahman Jute Spinners (Pvt.) Ltd., Jamuna Jute Industries Ltd. and North Bengal Golden Fiber & Diversified Jute Mills which are working under Bangladesh Jute Spinners Association (BJSA). Correlation Test, ANOVA Test and Regression Coefficient Test were done to bring out the outcomes of the study. The results uncovered that, noteworthy and satisfactory relationship exists among HRM functions (namely practices of recruitment and selection, assessment of performance, compensation and reward, training and development) and performance of operations. This study gives insight in terms of ensuring sustainable operational performance by practice these HRM practices which will ultimately accelerate the productivity of employees as well as private jute mills in Bangladesh.
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