The Effect of Covid-19 on Sustainable Consumption Behavior in Chain Stores
Covid-19, Sustainable Consumption Behavior, Individual Factors, Social Factors, Situational Factors, Customer Decision-MadkingAbstract
Today, a critical situation is created by the Covid-19 virus, which has changed consumer behavior. One of the most important changes in this area is the trend towards sustainable consumption behavior that companies can use as an opportunity to attract customers.Therefore, this study examines the effect of the Covid-19 virus on the sustainable consumption behavior of customers in chain stores by examining customer data in Iran. This research is a descriptive survey type and a questionnaire tool has been used to collect data and measure variables in order to examine the research model. The statistical sample was selected by random sampling from customers of chain stores in Tehran and the data were analyzed using Smart PLS software. Findings showed that the Covid-19 virus has a direct and significant effect on individual, social and situational factors of customers and these factors also have a significant effect on attitudes, intentions, and ultimately sustainable consumption behavior of customers. The results show that chain stores and their suppliers should increase attention, supply, and sales of sustainable consumable products.
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