Factors Related to the Protection of Women Workers Rights in CV. Miranda Moda Indonesia Rengas, East Ciputat


  • Frida Kasumawati Department Department of Midwifery, STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang, Pajajaran Street No.1, Pamulang South of Tangerang Banten Province, Post code 15417, Indonesia
  • Rita Dwi Pratiwi Department of Nursing, STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang, Pajajaran. Street No.1, Pamulang South of Tangerang Banten Province, Post code 15417, Indonesia
  • Elisa Susanti Student of Undergraduate Nursing Major, STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang, Pajajaran. Street No.1, Pamulang South of Tangerang Banten Province, Post code 15417, Indonesia
  • Sandeep Poddar Lincoln University College of Malaysia




Protection, Women Workers Rights, CV. Miranda Moda


The male workers and female workers’ equal rights are guaranteed in the constitution of Republic of Indonesia 1945 article 28 D section 2, it underlines that everybody has the right to work and to get fair and appropriate compensation and treatment concerning work. In this case, all workers have fair treatment in the type of work, the placement of positions in work, and the provision of salary, which is guaranteed by the nation. Justice contains basic rights and needs of people throughout the world in the form of universal moral values. The moral values of justice are every nation’s ideals that have many various groups’ concerns. In this case, justice becomes an agreement of various society's elements that wish an equitable and affluent life of the nation.


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Terhadap Wanita. In Convention On The Elimination Of All Forms Of Discrimination Againts Women.



How to Cite

Frida Kasumawati, Rita Dwi Pratiwi, Elisa Susanti, & Sandeep Poddar. (2021). Factors Related to the Protection of Women Workers Rights in CV. Miranda Moda Indonesia Rengas, East Ciputat. Advancement in Management and Technology (AMT) , 2(2), 30-34. https://doi.org/10.46977/apjmt.2021v02i02.004
