Customer Relationship Management and Performance of Agricultural Firms: A Moderating Effect of Technological Environment
Agricultural Sector, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Keywords: Customer relationship management: Firm performance: Technological environment: Agricultural sector, Technological EnvironmentAbstract
Introduction: The agricultural sector is a vital component of economic development, wealth creation, and poverty alleviation in emerging countries, which impacts the possibility of sustained economic growth. Purpose: This research examines the influence of customer relationship management (CRM) on the performance metrics of agricultural enterprises in Plateau State, Nigeria, while emphasising the moderating role of the technological environment. Methodology: A quantitative approach was employed using a survey design. Data were collected from 286 agricultural firms through structural questionnaires; the answers were collected and evaluated employing the partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method by means of Smart-PLS software to test the hypotheses. Findings: Contrary to expectations, the finding shows that CRM has no significant direct effect on the performance of small agricultural firms. However, the technological environment moderates the connection between CRM and the performance of agricultural firms, indicating that the effectiveness of CRM in enhancing firm performance is contingent upon the level of technological advancement. Results: This study adds to the literature by challenging the conventional wisdom that CRM invariably enhances firm performance. Contrary to existing research, this study reveals that CRM does not have a direct positive relationship with firm performance in the agricultural sector in Plateau State, Nigeria. Moreover, the findings highlight the crucial moderating effect of the technological environment in the CRM performance relationship, underscoring the importance of technological infrastructure in leveraging CRM within the agricultural sector and Nigerian environment. Conclusion: This study offers valuable insights into CRM effectiveness, providing key implications for agricultural firms, policymakers, and practitioners aiming to optimize CRM strategies and technological investments to enhance firm performance.
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