A Study on Consumer Behaviour and Preferences for Luxury and Affordable Cars in Gujarat
Consumer Behaviour, Focus Group, Luxury BrandsAbstract
Introduction: In India's car market, there is a striking coexistence of luxury manufacturers and value-based players. Methods: This research takes place in Gujarat, an area where the sale of luxury cars is outperforming other Indian states. A mixed-methods research methodology based on surveys and focus groups will be used to investigate the factors that determine the preferences of Gujarati consumers for luxury besides affordable cars. Results: Several factors were investigated, including the appeal of luxury brands, fuel economy concerns, safety, practical usage of cars, and the social effects of having a car, to understand consumer preferences for cars. The results are expected to offer practical guidance for the manufacturers and the marketers in better understanding the consumers in this emerging market. Conclusion: The motivation to purchase business cars shows some gender differences, whereas luxury car purchases reveal no significant gender disparity, with luxury goods users generally exhibiting similar needs.
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