Unveiling the Nexus: CSR, Corporate Image, Trust as a Mediator, and Hotel Guest Behavioral Intentions in Bangladesh
Behavioural Intention, Corporate Image, CSR, PLS SEM, TrustAbstract
High increase in customer demand has significantly extended the hotel industry in Bangladesh in recent years. This increase could be a result of a number of issues, including expanding the health and social consciousness of customers. Nevertheless, the industry sometimes struggles to fulfil customer hopes. Keeping it in mind, this paper aims to evaluate the scope of corporate social responsibility (CSR) exercises within the industry and the influences they put forward on corporate image, which at the end impacts the customer behavioral intentions in Bangladeshi pretext. So, with a view to comprehending and assessing CSR practices, a quantitative research approach was applied along with a survey questionnaire on respective customers throughout the country. Three hundred participants from 45 hotels took part in structured interviews to share their experiences. All the hotels are located in Dhaka. Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach was used to analyze the collected data. CSR activities in the hotel industry impacting positive and crucial relationships on corporate image have been ratified by the findings of the study. Moreover, trust played a significant role in building relationships between customer behavioral intentions and corporate image. The study also unravelled the direct positive impact of CSR activities on customer behavioral intentions in the industry of the country. Besides, the research also focused on the intricate role of CSR in forming customer behavior, trust, and corporate image. It highlighted the significance of social responsibility in amplifying the reputation of the industry, implanting trust in customers, and in effect achieving positive behavioral objectives.
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