Organisational Culture and Technology Orientation on Strategic Fit in Retail Business: The Mediating Role of Economic Sustainability
Economic Sustainability, Organisational Culture, Small Retail Business, Strategic Fit, Technology OrientationAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational culture and technology orientation on strategic fit with the mediating role of economic sustainability. A questionnaire-based survey method was employed to collect empirical data from 124 owner-managers of small retail businesses in Nigeria. The study used the partial least squares structural equation modelling enabled by SmartPLS 4 to test the model's accuracy. The findings demonstrated that organisational culture and technology orientation have a favourable influence on strategic fit. Similarly, the research indicated that organisational culture has a significant impact on economic sustainability. On the other hand, the impact of technology orientation on economic sustainability was negative and insignificant. In addition, the results demonstrate that economic sustainability has a direct positive influence on strategic fit. Finally, economic sustainability partially mediates the role between organisational culture and strategic fit, but there is no mediation between technology orientation and strategic fit. incorporates strategic approaches (organisational culture, technology orientation and economic sustainability to examine their impact on strategic fit) within the small retail business in Nigeria. Furthermore, the role of economic sustainability as a mediator between organisational culture, technology orientation, and strategic fit is relatively new in literary works. This study proved the reliability and validity of organisational culture and technology orientation on strategic fit in Nigeria, a developing country.
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