Nurturing Sustainability Commitment: Exploring the Nexus of Employee Relations, Human Resource Management (HRM) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sectors
AACE, HRM, Quality Job, Inclusiveness, MSME, SustainabilityAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of the research is to comprehend how MSME enterprises in India evaluate their commitment to sustainability in connection to employee relations and HRM practices. This paper introduces a theoretical framework called “awareness, action, comprehensiveness, and excellence (AACE)” to convey the remedies and practices as embraced by MSME industries in achieving their sustainability initiatives. Methodology: This study employed a cross-case study approach to analyse workers and owners’ opinions in MSME units in Kolkata and adjacent regions in order to determine how industrial relations and HRM practises foster the level of sustainability commitment. Findings: The purpose of this research was to assess the existing HRM landscape and employee relations adopted by MSME firms to provide better support their aim of strengthening the commitment towards sustainability. The research proposed a framework with four stages—"awareness, action, comprehensiveness, and excellence"—that captures HRM practises as embraced by MSME enterprises to cultivate their commitment towards sustainability. Social Implications: MSME sector units are making a vibrant contribution towards the emerging Indian economy. When it comes to the question of safe employment and sustainability, quality jobs, inclusiveness, productive employment, safe and secure work conditions, opportunities to work, and quality of work life seem to be driving parameters of employee growth. They have a major impact on both long-term viability and employees' quality of life. This study attempts to make a mark in this course. Conclusion: According to the study's findings, HRM practices that emphasize informal leadership toward workers are essential for forging a company's commitment to sustainability.
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