Strategic Management and Performance of Information Technology Firms in Nigeria
Information, Technology, Structure, Strategy, Management, PerformanceAbstract
The urgent need for diversification in the Nigerian economy has raised concerns in other sectors. The information technology (IT) sector remains the least developed despite increased government attention to IT and the need to encourage young graduates in the IT sector. Little seems to have been achieved so far; hence, this study assessed the influence of strategic management (SM) on the operational performance of IT firms in Nigeria. A sample of 195 managers of IT firms across the country of Nigeria were selected for this current study, and they were selected using a convenient sampling technique. The Pearson product correlation technique was used in analysing the data. It was found that there is a correlation between SM and the operational performance of IT firms in Nigeria. The study concludes that the presence of a sound SM would guarantee the improved operational performance of IT firms in Nigeria. It is recommended that IT firms’ managers be willing to come up with a detailed strategic plan and implement it to conduct regular evaluation and control their own strategy, as it is useful towards ensuring that they gain a competitive edge.
Keywords: Information, Technology, Structure, Strategy, Management, Performance.
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